Chief Communication & Marketing Officer of Currimjee Jeewanjee & Co Ltd

Marianne graduated from the European Business School, Paris with a specialisation in International Affairs. She started her career in HAVAS Group in 1993 where she was successively in charge of the set-up of Canal+ in the Caribbean, the media planning of Procter & Gamble, and the PR of BMW for Africa and the Middle East. Appointed as Manager of Marketing and Communication of Canal+ for overseas territories in 1996. She was then appointed as General Manager, Marketing and Communication of Canal+ Overseas in charge of Africa and Overseas in 2002 and also worked as Consultant for Canal+ Poland. In 2009, she became the General Manager, Digital and Communication Manager of CANAL+ International and was in charge of the launch of Canal+ in Vietnam. Since 2015, she is the General Manager Communication and Marketing of the Company and currently manages corporate external communication & internal communication strategy & implementation.